Source: MINKA
Cnidaria is a phylum of animals with 29445 observations
More Info
Language / Type | Name | Action |
Catalan | Corals, anemones, meduses i altres parents | |
English | Cnidarians | |
English | Corals, anemones, jellyfish and relatives | |
English | Hydras and Medusas | |
French | Cnidaires | |
German | Nesseltiere | |
Greek | Κνιδόζωα | |
Italian | Celenterati | |
Italian | Cnidari | |
Italian | Coralli | |
Portuguese | Cnidários | |
Portuguese | corais | |
Scientific Names | Cnidaria | |
Spanish | Corales, anemonas, medusas y parientes |
About Names
Most categories of organisms have "common names" in spoken languages. These names are usually recognizable, easy to pronounce, and stable over time, but many organisms have several different names in different places, even in the same language, which can make it difficult to communicate about these organisms without confusion. Scientists address this problem by using a single "scienti...